Ger Westenberg
Oct. 15 Baptised in the Lutheran Cathedral in Aarhus.
July 20 Birth of Louis Julius August, brother of Carl.
April 8 Decease of Carl’s father by a boiler explosion.
Nov. 6 Removal to Copenhagen.
Nov. 26 Birth of Anna Emilie, halfsister of Carl.
1873 about
Accident by jumping over a ditch.
1884 about
To Glasgow, Scotland, tobacconist.
Dec. 15 Carl married Catherine Dorothy Luetjens Wallace,
born Jan. 4, 1869; removal to Liverpool.
June 15 Mrs. Grasshoff Sr. remarried to Fritz Nicolaj Povelsen.
Nov. 5 Birth of daughter Wilhelmina; Carl became a seaman.
Nov. 6 Birth of daughter Louise.
± Dec. Removal to Copenhagen.
Nov. 5 Birth of daughter Nellie.
Jan. 15 Birth of son Frank.
1896 about
Carl alone migrated to America and changed his name to MaxHeindel; engineer in a brewery in Somerville near Boston, MA.
1897 about
Heindel remarried to a Danish woman named Petersen who
had four children.
Sept. 7 Heindel’s four children leave Copenhagen for America.
1899 about
Divorce. Heindel moved with his four children to Roxbury,
a suburb of Boston, MA.
Heindel goes to Los Angeles, CA. to find work.
Dec. Attending lectures by Leadbeater in Los Angeles, CA.
Membership of the Theosophical Society; becomes a
vegetarian; friendship with Augusta Foss born Jan. 27, 1865 in
Mansfield OH.
Vice-president of the Theosophical Society in Los Angeles.
Summer Serious ill; a good lady-friend, Alma von Brandis, goes to
Europe. Heindel withdraws as a member of the Theosophical
Society after illness.
April Own lecture tour to the North, lecturing Christain mysticism
and astrology.
Autumn Alma von Brandis and Heindel go to Germany to hear Steiner.
April Split with Alma von Brandis;
April/May Heindel stands test by a Brother of the Order of the Rose Cross;
first initiation. Writes The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception.
Summer Return to America, New York City;
rewriting manuscript of the Cosmo
Sept. Heindel goes to Buffalo, NY, and finishes manuscript Cosmo.
Nov. Foundation of the first Rosicrucian Centre in Buffalo, NY.
Summer On his way through Seattle, WA.
Aug. 8 Launching of ‘The Rosicrucian Fellowship’ at 3:00 pm.
Heindel and William M. Patterson go to Chicago to have
the Cosmo and Christianity Lectures printed.
Nov. To Yakima, WA, lecturing and starting a Centre.
Printing of Simplified, Scientific Astrology.
To Portland; lecturing and establishing a Centre.
Febr. To Los Angeles; visit to Augusta Foss.
Febr. 27 Launching of the Los Angeles Center.
April Heindel very ill; second initiation on April 9th.
Writing of Questions and Answers (I).
Aug. 10 Third marriage to Augusta Foss.
Writing of The Rosicrucian Mysteries.
Nov. Housing of Headquarters in a beach cottage in Ocean Park.
Max Heindel very ill; third initiation.
Febr. Plans with Mr. Patterson to buy land for a permanent Headquarters.
May 3 Purchase forty acres of land in Oceanside at 3.30 p.m..
Oct. 28 Turning of the ground at 12.40 p.m. and planting of the cross.
Oct. 30 Start building of the first Building.
Spring Own water-plant.
Probationers from Seattle, WA, make from metal a lighted emblem for outside and transport it to Headquarters by train.
Dec. The Rosicrucian Fellowship acquires corporate personality.
June 3 First probationer meeting. [not May 25?] Changing cross from black to white.
1913 June 4 First Summer School meeting.
June Start publication of Echoes.
Aug. 6 Making cornerstone for the Sanitarium.
Nov. 27 Start building of the Pro-Ecclesia; ready on Dec. 24.
Dec. Construction of the most important road on Headquarters, Ecclesia Drive; donation of 78 palm-trees. Purchase of a little 2nd hand organ for the Pro Ecclesia.
1913 Dec. 24 Dedication of the Pro Ecclesia.
Apr. 12 First Easter Service at Mount Ecclesia.
June 23 First Healing Service.
Nov. 26 Dedication of the Cafeteria, and laying of the cornerstone for
the Ecclesia or Healing-Temple. Own electric plant.
July Paying last money on the mortgage of the grounds.
Summer Building of the Heindel Cottage. Rewriting of the Message of the Stars and Simplified Scientific Astrology, printed in 1916.
March 13 Decease of Max Heindel’s mother.
May Publishing of the magazine Rays from the Rose Cross.
March Max Heindel meet the poet Ella Wheeler Wilcox.
March 13 Start building of the new Administration Building; ready in June.
1917 May Building of Ecclesia Cottage.
July 15 Mr. and Mrs. Heindel on vacation. Calculating of ephemeredes
and table of houses. Calculating the ephemerides and table of houses.
1918 May Plans to install a bookbindery.
Jan. 6 Decease of Max Heindel due to a heart attack at 8:25 p.m. Mrs. Heindel succeeds.
June 29 Ground breaking for the Healing Temple at 11:45 a.m.
July 23 Laying of the cornerstone for the Temple, which was already
made by Max Heindel on November 26, 1914.
Dec. 24 Dedication of the Temple
Aug. 7 Ground breaking for the Rose Cross Lodge. Buying 4½ acres of
land from a neighbor.
Dec. 1 Mrs. Heindel’s Birth of the Rosicrucian Fellowship printed.
Mach/Apr. New electrical system.
1924 Nov. Purchase of a pipe organ for the Temple.
Plans to bild a Children’s School; ready in Sept. 1926, closed in
March 1931. Then named West Hall.
1925 Sept. Mrs. Heindel makes a lecture tour in 20 large towns in the
North-Western and Eastern States. Buying of another plot of land.
Max Heindel’s Lessons to students published in five
books and one booklet.
Jan. Publication of Evolution from the Rosicrucian Standpoint by Mrs. Heindel.
Aug. Publishing of Astro Diagnosis, a Guide to Healing.
Dec. 11 Laying of the corner stone for the Sanitarium.
April Mrs. Heindel withdraws as president and moved to Oceanside.
May Mrs. Heindel very ill.
June Mrs Heindel establishes the “Max Heindel Rose Cross Fellowship.’
Jan. 6 Start building of the Sanitarium; opening at Christmas 1938.
Dec. 25 The parties agree to a consolidation and Mrs. Heindel returns
to Headquarters. She has a cottage build which is ready in June 1937.
April Start building of the Healing Department.
1938 April Continuation of the building of the Sanitarium, which was
started in 1932.
Aug. 27 Opening of the Healing Department.
Dec. 25 Opening of the Sanitarium.
Febr. Mrs. Heindel removed from her positions against her wishes.
May 21 Mrs. Heindel suffered a bad car accident
and ended up in a wheel-chair.
July 6 Incorporation of ‘The Rosicrucian Fellowship Non-Sectarian
Church,’ formed in Jan. 1943 by Mrs. Heindel and part of the members.
Publishing of Questions and Answers, part 2.
May 9 Decease of Mrs. Heindel.
Between 1951 and 1971 was published Aquarian Age Stories for
Children in seven volumes.
March 25 End of the conflict; burial of the hatchet at 12:00 Noon.
Jan. Donation of a 12 passenger bus to Headquarters.
The Fellowship is no longer reguiered to pay property tax.
Members are allowed to build cottages at Headquarter grounds.
Febr. Demolishing of Heindel Cottage
Summer 22 acres of the land sold.
Plans for widening of the highway and erecting of a new
entrance gate, realized in 1965/67.
Summer Ecclesia Cottage torn down.
Nov. Building of five cottages.
Several new booklets off the press.
Decease of Mr. Theodore Heline at the age of 87.
1971 Publication of Your Child’s Horoscope in two volumes by Max Heindel.
Nov. 12 Building of a new Administration Building; ready on Febr. 18, 1975.
July 26 Mrs. Corinne Heline passed on.
March Building of an annex to the Administration Building.
Sept. 2 The late Mr. Fred Meyer of Portland, OR, leaves $ 200.000 to the Fellowship.
Summer Installment of three solar hot water heating systems,
and purchase of the first computer.
Jan. Opening of ‘The Rosicrucian Fellowship Museum.’
Febr. Placing of a new entrance sign.
1983 June The paper Mystic Light appears, but the publishing is stopped
in December 1983 by lack of finances and technical means.
April A book named The Sacred Word and its Creative Overtones,
by Robert C. Lewis came from the press.
1986 autumn Another gift from the Fred Meyer Fund of $100.000 for the laying out of a new landscaped lawn with sprinkler system.
Summer The Fellowship decided to print the books by Corinne Heline.
Also completion of the History Room in the Guest House.
The City of Oceanside celebrates its centenary.
April 24 Oceanside passed an earthquake ordinance. This means that
three buidings on Mount Ecclesia have to be demolished and
that some expensive repairs have to be done.
‘The Carpenter property” in the valley was sold.
Spring Purchase of a new computer system.
June The restoration of the temple is ready.
Febr. The Healing Temple approved for designation on the California
Register of Historical landmarks.
July Publication of Memoirs about Max Heindel and the
Rosicrucian Fellowship, written by Mrs. Heindel in 1941. It contains 90
historical pictures. The books of Max Heindel put on cd-rom as well as
an astrology program and the ephemeredes of 1900-2000.
1997 Summer All books available on cd-rom.
Feb. Echoes from Mount Ecclesia 1913-1919 was published which
contains 51 pictures from the past.
March 7 Mount Ecclesia decides to publish a periodic treasurer’s report.
Much information will be available via e-mail for everyone;
confidential information only with use of a special code word.
2002 Summer Rises in Prices and crash, with the result of impending financial
Ger Westenberg
Prof. Huetlaan 4
6957 AR Laag-Soeren
Holland; Europe.
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MYSTIC LIGHT is a Christian Esoteric Online Magazine created and supported by Students of the Rosicrucian Teachings and dedicated to promote The Western Wisdom Teachings and related subjects. It is related to The Rosicrucian Fellowship but not formally affiliated with it.
It is not an official website of The Rosicrucian Fellowship and does not necessarily represent the thoughts of Headquarters one way or another.
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Editor & Web Master: Alexandre David